Here are a bunch of freely available video, audio and written resources on various topics in mental health, wellbeing and positive self-development. They have either been created by myself or TsaZesh. Just click the button underneath each resource to watch, listen, read or download a copy for your own use.
If you are sharing these resources or using them in a group setting, kindly credit the creators as appropriate.

Coming Soon
Check back here for our next resource series that we will be publishing soon. We promise to make it exciting and informative!
World Children's
Celebrated every year on the 20th of November, this international day is a day to re-imagine a better future for every child. To find out more information about the day and how to take part, and to access freely available resources; click below for the Official World Children's Day Website:
Warning: This Article Contains Taboo
The culture that guides our Islamic communities discourages us from discussing this topic, lest we come under the ‘evil eye’, become ‘the talk’ of the community or disgrace the legacy of our family. But has this approach really worked for us in the past? Read this article to find out.
Six Sneaky
Sleep Snatchers
Ever wondered about why you can’t sleep? Here are 6 sneaky reasons that Inspirited Minds can think of:
Money and Mental Health
Mental health and money are intertwined. Suffering from mental illnesses can, for instance, affect how we manage our finances. Keeping track of income, expenses and savings can be difficult and, in some cases, almost impossible. This article explores how mental health and money management are co-related, and what we can do survive financial stress.
Its Not That Easy
Peer pressure or peer influence is a phenomenon that occurs throughout one’s life, from schooling at a young age, to settling into life when working, or trying to have a family after marriage. As such, its effects are multi-faceted and pervade every sphere of our being. Read more about this phenomenon and its effects here:
Culture, Trauma and Pressure
The Mindful Muslim is an Inspirited Minds podcast that hosts raw, open, and honest conversations on various topics within the sphere of mental health, psychology, Islam and spirituality. In this episode, Sarah meet Samia Quddus, a fully qualified psycho-therapeutic Integrative Therapist (MBACP) and primary school teacher with a specialism in social, emotional and mental health (SEMH). She created the UK's first Islamic and psychology inspired gratitude journal, Taqdeer Life,
and she is the author of a children’s emotional well-being story,
Freya’s Funny Feelings.
Pre-Marital Relationships
As part of Inspirited Minds, I wrote articles for the Mindful Messages blog. Read this one on the allure and excitement of your first relationship and how intention plays a huge part in its success.
The Power of
Abuse & Trauma
Our environment and our experiences have the potential to shape the way we think, feel, behave and treat others. This makes trauma and abuse a topic that should not be ignored just because it is too complex or paints an ugly story.
Read about how trauma and abuse can affect our neuroplasticity.
Faith - Changing, Morphing, Dynamic
Just like life has its ups and downs, so does faith; and because faith is not static it is easy for us to lose faith during tough times and find our way back to having a healthy and strong Imaan. So, come explore the concept of unsteady faith with me, and how to deal with this in Islamic and secular ways.
Cognitive Distortions in Scrupulosity
There is a huge difference between reciting repetitively to overcome anxiety and reciting repetitively with the intention of seeking nearness to the Almighty. This is the distinction between spirituality and religious scrupulosity. In this article I take a plunge into the cognitive side of religious scrupulosity.

The Youth Forum
The 2020 YOUNGA Forum made history as the first-of-its-kind global youth takeover of the United Nations. Through an inclusive, forward-looking youth-driven dialogue, YOUNGA virtually connected young people with influential decision-makers and leaders to co-create solutions for a more inclusive, sustainable world. Click below to see their exclusive communiqué to the United Nations, which features Sarah:
Like the nutrients and energy that flows from the roots of a tree all the way to the tip of the top-most leaf, or the gushing waters of the river that seeks to quickly reach its destination in the wider sea, purpose can define our entire existence. It drives us and motivates us in every moment of our life. However, where do we draw our purpose from?
Loneliness and Seeking Attention
It is very common when one feels isolated that they try to seek attention for multiple reasons, which are usually related to their reason for feeling lonely. Read about the companions of loneliness – seeking attention and social validation, and how they change our sense of self.
Negative Core Beliefs
Our belief system is that basic, intrinsic part of us that gives us the motivation, rationalisation and passion to speak and act. It is the part of ourselves that determines our character, our personality, our faith, how we behave on a day-to-day basis and cope with life’s many difficulties. That is why, once we have a core belief, it can translate to all the many facets of our daily life.
Read more below.
Socially Supportive Families
Family dynamics play an enormous role in shaping our lives past, present and future. It can take a beautiful, cohesive and positive form or a pummelling, discouraging and negative one – and this is one of the main reasons that family life is one of the central units in Islam. Click below to read about how families can be socially supportive.