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Here are a bunch of freely available video, audio and written resources on various topics in mental health, wellbeing and positive self-development. They have either been created by myself or TsaZesh. Just click the button underneath each resource to watch, listen, read or download a copy for your own use.


If you are sharing these resources or using them in a group setting, kindly credit the creators as appropriate.

Pink Petals

Coming Soon

Check back here for our next resource series that we will be publishing soon. We promise to make it exciting and informative!

Coming Soon

Life, Purpose & Death

Watch Sarah have an invigorating discussion on life, purpose, death and bereavement with Lantern of Light. In it, she focus on fear of death, simple and complicated grief in more detail, coping with bereavement and building a support network.


World Children's


Celebrated every year on the 20th of November, this international day is a day to re-imagine a better future for every child. To find out more information about the day and how to take part, and to access freely available resources; click below for the Official World Children's Day Website:


Learning Difficulties Myth Vs. Reality

In exploring deformities, difficulties and disabilities, we discovered quite a few misconceptions on learning difficulties that are being fostered in our communities. This article takes on our top 6 myths on learning difficulties.


Mental Wellbeing Series Part I

Watch as the Founder of TsaZesh delves into the concept of wellbeing through the lens of the daughter of the Holy Prophet (S), exploring the aspects of knowledge, social justice and the parent-child relationship in a concept that has existed for millenia.


Positivity in the

Face of Struggle

Watch me on Real Talk with Dr. Masuma Jaffer, as we have a candid conversation about positivity in the context of struggle, grief and mental health stigma, self-compassion and holistic coping strategies


Warning: This Article Contains Taboo

The culture that guides our Islamic communities discourages us from discussing this topic, lest we come under the ‘evil eye’, become ‘the talk’ of the community or disgrace the legacy of our family. But has this approach really worked for us in the past? Read this article to find out.


Friends, Foes and Self-Harm

Just like every human is unique, so are their experiences, struggles, and life journeys. This makes the concept of self-harm extremely personalised for each individual. In this article I explore the different facets of self-harm in the context of personal experiences.

Image by Ales Krivec

Reflecting the 'Pause' in Menopause

Midlife crisis can be exacerbated for women by experiencing menopause. This article dives into menopause and how we can endeavour to be helpful towards our adults.

Image by Simon Berger

Six Sneaky

Sleep Snatchers

Ever wondered about why you can’t sleep? Here are 6 sneaky reasons that Inspirited Minds can think of:


Money and Mental Health

Mental health and money are intertwined. Suffering from mental illnesses can, for instance, affect how we manage our finances. Keeping track of income, expenses and savings can be difficult and, in some cases, almost impossible. This article explores how mental health and money management are co-related, and what we can do survive financial stress.


Learning in Distinctive Waves

Part of the difficulties, disabilities and deformities theme, this article traverses the technicalities of learning difficulties and how they aren't as dehabilitating as we think they are. Click below to find out:


Its Not That Easy

Peer pressure or peer influence is a phenomenon that occurs throughout one’s life, from schooling at a young age, to settling into life when working, or trying to have a family after marriage. As such, its effects are multi-faceted and pervade every sphere of our being. Read more about this phenomenon and its effects here:


A Spoonful of Diversity

Having physical deformities is hard enough without the wider society being judgmental or willfully ignorant about it. Read more about the prevalence of deformities and how they are more we can be more accepting of people with deformities.


Family of the Soldier

Living in a family where a family member has gone off for active duty affects spouses, children and parents of the soldier deployed. This article looks at the effect on families whose family member has left for war or active duty.


Mental Health Maintenance Plan

Use this resource to map out your plan for maintaining your mental health, including identifying triggers, list self-care practices and who to reach out to incase of an emergency.

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Culture, Trauma and Pressure

The Mindful Muslim is an Inspirited Minds podcast that hosts raw, open, and honest conversations on various topics within the sphere of mental health, psychology, Islam and spirituality. In this episode, Sarah meet Samia Quddus, a fully qualified psycho-therapeutic Integrative Therapist (MBACP) and primary school teacher with a specialism in social, emotional and mental health (SEMH). She created the UK's first Islamic and psychology inspired gratitude journal, Taqdeer Life,

and she is the author of a children’s emotional well-being story,

Freya’s Funny Feelings.


Rights of the Child

Here is the child-friendly version of The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) - as published by UNICEF


Mental Wellbeing Series Part III

This third part sees Sarah bringing to light some powerful coping methods that can be found in both Islam and Psychology. Watch as she breaks down the concepts of Tawakkal, Gratitude and Building a Support Network to create spiritual and mental wellbeing.


Bereavement & Covid-19

This poster mini-series shares tips on how to make sense of bereave-ment, deal with grief in a healthy way, and support those who are bereaved during these times of isolation and social-distancing.

Image by Kristina Flour

Pre-Marital Relationships

As part of Inspirited Minds, I wrote articles for the Mindful Messages blog. Read this one on the allure and excitement of your first relationship and how intention plays a huge part in its success.


The Power of

Abuse & Trauma

 Our environment and our experiences have the potential to shape the way we think, feel, behave and treat others. This makes trauma and abuse a topic that should not be ignored just because it is too complex or paints an ugly story. 

Read about how trauma and abuse can affect our neuroplasticity.

Image by Chris Lawton

Faith - Changing, Morphing, Dynamic

Just like life has its ups and downs, so does faith; and because faith is not static it is easy for us to lose faith during tough times and find our way back to having a healthy and strong Imaan. So, come explore the concept of unsteady faith with me, and how to deal with this in Islamic and secular ways.

Image by Vinicius "amnx" Amano

Cognitive Distortions in Scrupulosity

There is a huge difference between reciting repetitively to overcome anxiety and reciting repetitively with the intention of seeking nearness to the Almighty. This is the distinction between spirituality and religious scrupulosity. In this article I take a plunge into the cognitive side of religious scrupulosity.


Supporting Those with Social Anxiety

As with most mental health disorders, there is so much we can do to help our nearest, dearest and that person who always chooses to stay aloof from the crowd. Learn more about Social Anxiety Disorder and how to uplift those who experience it.

Image by karl chor

Coping with Loneliness

Read about me accumulating the different ways in which an individual can cope with feelings of loneliness. We can use a range of different tools at our disposal, including Islam, in a halal and healthy way.


Escaping Escapism

Trying to escape from mental / physical reality is so, so easy to do, but just because something is easy does it mean it is right? In this piece,

I go into the concept of escapism, its advantages and disadvantages, and what we can do to escape it.


Flowering Ideas for the Elderly

Spending time with our elderly doesn't need to be an arduous task. There is so much more we can do to create a positive impact on them and ourselves in the process.  Here are five novel ways that we can grow and flower our relationship with our elderly loved ones.


Mood Disorders and Old Age

This article talks about mood disorders experienced in old age, such as loneliness, grief and chronic illness, and what we can do about it.


The Phenomenon of Sleep

If we had to, could we be able to sufficiently define sleep? Do we know how far into our life the effects of sleep reaches? What is Sleep, really? Find out in this article.


Compassion Fatigue & Burnout

In part 2 of the series with Lantern of Light, Sarah delves into the concept of empathy, compassion and compassion fatigue. She explores the concept of burnout and how creating boundaries, ecotherapy and self-care are some of the ways that can help manage burnout.


The Youth Forum

The 2020 YOUNGA Forum made history as the first-of-its-kind global youth takeover of the United Nations. Through an inclusive, forward-looking youth-driven dialogue, YOUNGA virtually connected young people with influential decision-makers and leaders to co-create solutions for a more inclusive, sustainable world. Click below to see their exclusive communiqué to the United Nations, which features Sarah:


Child Abuse

and Us

Islam has placed a child’s welfare at its centre, in its importance of good manners and family cohesion. So why then is child abuse such a big issue? Click the link below to learn about the different forms of abuse towards children and our responsibility to stand against it.


Mental Wellbeing Series Part II

The second part of this series sees psychologist and founder of TsaZesh diving into the different facets of self-responsibility through the powerful wisdom of Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS/RA); including self-deception, self-ego and self-worth.

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This series explores childhood grief at different ages, according to their understanding of death and how to help the child deal with their grief at each stage.

Image by Michael Shannon

The Rollercoaster

to Recovery

The experience of losing a loved one can feel burdensome and unbearable. Find out more about the stages of bereavement and how to make this road a little less rollercoaster-y and a little more recovery.

Image by Anwaar Ali

Five Stop Signs

to Recovery

Read my article exploring recovery and how to go from admitting there’s something not quite right to getting back to a better, happier and healthier frame of mind. Click below to find out the top 5 reasons that stops people from beginning their journey of recovery.

Image by Erol Ahmed

Secret Physical Challenges

How many problems do we experience that operate in secret? Find out more about the intimate physical health issues nobody cares about and how they are inter-linked with mental health issues.


Trauma and Personal Identity

When we experience physical trauma, it doesn’t just remain physical – our mental psyche is as affected. Find out more about how trauma can affect us and what we can do to empower ourselves to break free from it.


'Ive Been Thinking Too Much.'

When we focus too much on specific things, or over-analyse certain things, it can be scary. We can feel out of control. Click through to read about how easy it can be to stop over-thinking if we put our mind to it.



Like the nutrients and energy that flows from the roots of a tree all the way to the tip of the top-most leaf, or the gushing waters of the river that seeks to quickly reach its destination in the wider sea, purpose can define our entire existence. It drives us and motivates us in every moment of our life. However, where do we draw our purpose from?


Making an Effective Checklist

Making a checklist is a superb way of taking control of your life and making good decisions. However, just the act of writing a checklist will probably not get you far. There's an art to everything, and check-listing is no exception...


Loneliness and Seeking Attention

It is very common when one feels isolated that they try to seek attention for multiple reasons, which are usually related to their reason for feeling lonely. Read about the companions of loneliness – seeking attention and social validation, and how they change our sense of self.


Negative Core Beliefs

Our belief system is that basic, intrinsic part of us that gives us the motivation, rationalisation and passion to speak and act. It is the part of ourselves that determines our character, our personality, our faith, how we behave on a day-to-day basis and cope with life’s many difficulties. That is why, once we have a core belief, it can translate to all the many facets of our daily life.

Read more below.


Socially Supportive Families

Family dynamics play an enormous role in shaping our lives past, present and future. It can take a beautiful, cohesive and positive form or a pummelling, discouraging and negative one – and this is one of the main reasons that family life is one of the central units in Islam. Click below to read about how families can be socially supportive.

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